BARTENEVA, S., ANTRAIGUE, C., DOUADY, C., BERKENBAUM, L., RAWAT, S. AND VITRY, H., 2022. Vulnerability assessment of critical cetacean habitats offshore Mauritius for Marine Spatial Planning applications. Poster presentation at 12th WIOMSA Symposium on 10-15 October, 2022 in Port Elisabeth, South Africa

BARTENEVA, S., VITRY, H., VÉLY, M., JUNG, J.L., GIRARDET, J., 2022. Population estimates of resident Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in Mauritius and their integration in Marine Spatial Planning” Svetlana. Poster presentation at The 24th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals on 1 – 5 August, 2022 in Palm Beach, Florida, USA

GIRARDET, J., SARANO, F., GAËTAN, R., TIXIER, P., GUINET, CH., ALEXANDER A. & SARANO, V., VITRY, H., PREUD’HOMME, A., HEUZEY, R., GARCIA, C., ANA & ADAM, O., MADON, B., JUNG, J.L., 2022. Long Distance Runners in the Marine Realm: New Insights Into Genetic Diversity, Kin Relationships and Social Fidelity of Indian Ocean Male Sperm Whales. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9. 815684. 10.3389/fmars.2022.815684

SARANO, V., SARANO, F., GIRARDET, J., PREUD’HOMME A., VITRY, H., HEUZEY, R., SARANO, M., DELFOUR, F., GLOTIN, H., ADAM, O., MADON, B., JUNG, J. L., 2022. Underwater photo-identification of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off Mauritius. Marine Biology Research. 10.1080/17451000.2022.2040737

Sarano Francois, Girardet Justine, Sarano Véronique, Vitry Hugues, Preud’homme Axel, Heuzey René, Garcia-Cegarra Ana M., Madon Bénédicte, Delfour Fabienne, Glotin Hervé, Adam Olivier and Jung Jean-Luc 2021Kin relationships in cultural species of the marine realm: case study of a matrilineal social group of sperm whales off Mauritius island, Indian OceanR. Soc. open sci.8201794201794

CHAMBAULT, P., FOSSETTE, S., HEIDE-JØRGENSEN, MP., JOUANNET, D., VÉLY, M., 2021. Predicting seasonal movements and distribution of the sperm whale using machine learning algorithms. Ecology and Evolution, 11(3), 1432-1445. doi: 10.1002/ece3.7154

PLOEN, S., VITRY, H., BARTENEVA, S., DULAU, V., ESTRADE, V., SVENSSON DUBOIS N.,COLLINS, T., MOORE, K., GULLAND, F., AND MAZZARIOL, S., 2021. SC/68C/E/14rev01 – Report on strandings of melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra) in Mauritius, August/ September 2020. Sub-committees/working group name: E; International Whaling Commission (IWC)